Un resumen del Mundial de Lewandowski

Un resumen del Mundial de Lewandowski
por erre el 5 dic 2022, 09:56

1175726 - Un resumen del Mundial de Lewandowski

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#1 #1 justatroll dijo: Para toda la gente que me critica y me odia tengo algo que decirles :

When I publicly say I'm sorry
Everyone will instantly forgive me
And once they do that
I can get away with anything
So once I've said I'm sorry, I did bad
I can go back to being a douchebag
I'm sorry, yeah
Sorry, yeah
I can act like a total piece of shit
As long as I say I'm sorry for it
@justatroll madre mía el tonto de las bombas. Vete a estudiar anda
#1 #1 justatroll dijo: Para toda la gente que me critica y me odia tengo algo que decirles :

When I publicly say I'm sorry
Everyone will instantly forgive me
And once they do that
I can get away with anything
So once I've said I'm sorry, I did bad
I can go back to being a douchebag
I'm sorry, yeah
Sorry, yeah
I can act like a total piece of shit
As long as I say I'm sorry for it
@justatroll Pusiste el listón muy alto (y además se lo exigías a los demás), no cumpliste, y ahora te toca llevarte los palos. Si esperabas otra cosa, eres demasiado inocente, jaja.
Para toda la gente que me critica y me odia tengo algo que decirles :

When I publicly say I'm sorry
Everyone will instantly forgive me
And once they do that
I can get away with anything
So once I've said I'm sorry, I did bad
I can go back to being a douchebag
I'm sorry, yeah
Sorry, yeah
I can act like a total piece of shit
As long as I say I'm sorry for it

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